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Contact Us

Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia

FASTWEL Group Co. Ltd
108 Profsoyuznaya St.
Moscow, 117437 Russia
Tel: +7-495-232-16-81
Fax: +7 (495) 232-1654
E-mail: info@fastwel.com
Url: www.fastwel.com

Ilya Alekseenko (sales & distribution)
E-mail: Alekseenko "AT" fastwel.com

Zhiltsov Denis (marketing and PR)
E-mail: zhiltsov "AT" fastwel.com

North, Central and South America

Fastwel US
4370 La Jolla Village Drive,
Northern Trust Building
Suite 400
San Diego, California 92122-1249.
Tel: 858-775-3887

Stewart Austin (sales support and Business Development)
E-mail: saustin "AT" fastwel-corp.com

Technical support
E-mail: techsupport "AT" fastwel.com